Wednesday, July 05, 2006
  A couple of thoughts on evolution

Okay, I'm here again, on the very same day. Cooling down after a great writing session, I came across a great post over at Feminist Mormon Housewives.

Evolution and Agency

It was an interesting process, reconciling my belief in God and in evolution. I could not ignore the facts - that the earth is billions of years old and that everything we've ever found in the fossil record is consistent with evolution. The "God made it look like that to test us" idea was absolutely preposterous. (And not something my parents ever taught me, BTW) We already have enough baggage without needing to believe in a God that lies just to make things harder for us.

What is fascenating to me is that this 'poof, there it is' idea of creation actually leads to a world that is smaller and less wondrous in scope than the idea of a universe vast in time as well as space. God is smaller to the YE creationist than to the theistic evolutionist.
I hadn't thought of it that way ... you've given me something to ponder on. Thank you! ;o)
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A Mormon housewife who loves truth, science, rational thought, and reasonable action.

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Location: Utah

Granola is a mix of things: grains, nuts, bits of dried fruit, maybe some coconut. There's some fat in it, and it's a good source of fiber to keep those arteries and colons clean.

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